
Showing posts from September, 2016

A Quick Measage On Activating Success

Books are meant to be read Just as we need foods to grow our bodies, we also need a kind of 'mental food' to grow ourselves mentally. If you don't put food in your mouth, there is no way you will not get hungry, likewise if we do not regurlarly 'feed' our brain with knowledge, there is no way we can become brilliant students or become good at what we do. The friends you keep determine you Except for personal development through reading, another factor which determine our success academically and in life generally is the friends we keep. Jihn Rohn said,"You are the average of the five people you spend most times with". This is true, look at your life and also the life of your friends, are you not in the same level? The friends we keep either help us to get to the top or bring us down to their own level. Make sure you choose friends wisely, distant yourself from friends that are affectiong you negatively. They are like the anchor used t...