The futility of our criticism

Too often, we judge people based on our own experiences and principles - forgetting that each man is different. To further portray the absurdity in this approach, consider someone claiming that 200kobo has more value than 5Naira because the former has a larger number attached to it than the later. It's obvious that the person is not taking into consideration the difference in nature of the Kobo and the Naira. The comparison is based on what the person "sees" about the Kobo and Naira, and not what he knows about them. Likewise we judge people too quickly without understanding them? How can we review a book we haven't even read? When Abraham Lincoln's wife once criticized the southern people of America for their actions, Lincoln replied: “Don’t criticize them; they are just what we would be under similar circumstances.” If we understand that other people are just reflections of who we would have been if we ...