Dear Parents, Stop Killing Us:
Our parents are increasingly forgetting that the child is more important than the grade.
In a bid to get the child the grade, they create someone who thinks that cutting corners is the way to get things done.
a bid to make the child "happy", they create someone who believes
hard work is for people who can't afford the cost of cutting corners.
parents have forgotten that they can get us good grades but the good
things that really matter come from hardworking. You can get me a job,
but you can't get me job satisfaction.
Our parents are forgetting that their God-given responsibility is to bring up the child and not his report card.
parents are helping us get special examination centers so that we can
"make our results at once" rather than teaching us to study smart.
parents are telling us that we can get anything we want just because we
want them and not because we are ready to work for them.
Our parents are teaching us to look for quick-fixes that work in the moment but fail to bring lasting satisfaction.
parents are teaching us that the means is more important than the aim.
That school and it's "proof" of excellence are more important than
parents, remember we are your responsibility - not our grades. Teach us
to value hard work, teach us to value and form good relationships.
Teach us that the best things of life comes from pain - failing and
trying again, - getting pissed off and still pushing on. Teach us that
hard work still works.
Dear parents, remember that who the child becomes is more important than the grade he graduates with.
Dear parents, stop killing us.
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